Running - warming up and cooling down

Going for a run is one of the most convenient forms of exercise, in theory, you can simply get changed and step out of your front door and start running. However, running is not the best form of exercise for everyone and therefore you must check with your doctor that running is safe for you and will not aggravate any pre-existing condition, linked to either your musculoskeletal system, your heart or circulatory system.

Whether you are a regular runner or considering starting to run as a form of exercise, every one of us can agree that it’s tough to run with stiff, tight muscles. Not only that, but you could injure yourself if you make it a habit. Therefore, stretching regularly to maintain or improve your muscles’ flexibility, range of motion and avoid injury is extremely important.

Stretching Before Running

Stretching has been hotly debated in recent years. There is no evidence that static stretching (the act of lengthening muscles and tendons to increase flexibility by holding one position) prevents injury or improves performance - in fact, there’s some evidence that it can actually do more harm than good.

Static stretching before exercise causes damage to the tissue because you’re inhibiting nerve contraction, so it’s not going to fire as quickly to tell the muscle to contract and perform. That leads to less force production, so your speed will go down. When it comes to staying injury-free, functional range of motion is more important than flexibility. That’s where dynamic stretching (active movements that stretch your muscles without staying in one position for too long) comes in.

Before your run, your time is better spent warming up with dynamic stretching for 10 to 15 minutes. These moves include exercises such as butt kicks, high knees, leg swings or even a light jog to improve range of motion and loosen up muscles that you’re going to use on the road. They also increase heart rate, body temperature and blood flow so you feel warmed up and you will be able to run more efficiently. Therefore, before you exercise, you want to get blood flowing to the muscles, which get them warmed up and ready to go.

Try incorporating these movements into your next warm-up:

  • Standing with feet together, extend right leg straight out in front of you as you bring left hand to tap right toes. Lower leg and step forward; repeat on opposite side. Continue for 30 seconds.

  • While standing, draw left foot up behind you, pulling it toward your butt for a quad stretch. Release and step forward; switch legs. After 30 seconds, cradle right leg at ankle and knee and pulling it up to chest. Release and step forward; switch legs. Repeat for 30 seconds.

  • Still standing, bend forward at the waist to touch toes, then walk hands out to a high plank. Hold for 2 seconds; walk feet to meet hands. Roll up to starting position. Repeat for 1 minute.

After completing your pre-run warm up, start your run. The length of the run is determined by your own personal level of fitness. If you are new to running, you should choose a circuit that will take you 10 – 15 minutes to complete (1.5 – 2 miles) preferably on soft ground that is reasonably flat (the Thames tow path is ideal). As your fitness improves you can gradually increase the length/distance of the run.

Stretching After Running

It is also, if not more, important to stretch after a run. If, after your run you have an area that still feels tight (e.g. the calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, IT bands, and quads tend to be tight after running) a quick cool down stretching routine may be in order. The only benefit to doing static stretches is to increase range of motion and that is why you do it after exercise (you already have the blood in your muscles) so now you can get a real nice, deep stretch and lengthen your muscles.

Try these stretches after your run:

  • While standing, shift weight to right leg, bring your left heel back, and grab your left foot or ankle with your left hand. Gently pull your foot toward your tailbone. Keep your knees aligned, and pelvis tucked and don’t arch your back. Repeat on other side.

  • Stand facing a wall, tree or some similar structure for support. With left foot forward and both hands flat against a wall with arms fully extended. Keeping both heels on ground, lean forward with left knee tracking over left toes, making sure both feet are facing forward. Hold for one to two counts, then repeat. After 20 reps, repeat on left leg.

Whether you’re doing dynamic stretches before a run or static stretches after a run, they should give you the feeling of slight discomfort in the targeted muscles. However, do not stretch to the point that you feel a sensation that is painful, sharp or intense. If you do, be sure to back off. You shouldn’t experience pain it should be a bit uncomfortable because the point is that you have to illicit a physiological change to the muscle for it to benefit.

For those of you considering taking up running for the first time, read The Big Book of Running for Beginnersthis will take you through everything you need to know to get started, step by step.

I Hope you find this blog helpful and remember, listen to your body. If running is aggravating any of your health issues, STOP!!

“Get fit to compete, don’t compete to get fit.”


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