Mindful Monday - February 8th

Good morning and happy Monday!

“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful of your life.”
Mark Twain

Sounds nice, Mark.

The quest to find some balance, peace and/or happiness remains an everyday challenge for many of us. It's all too easy to go down the news cycle rabbit hole and fuel our deepest frustration, anxieties and fears. And while staying in the loop has a certain degree of benefit, too much news and media can end up distracting us from the simple daily pleasures that, when looked for, are nearly always there.

Here are a few things I came across this week that I hope will put a little smile on your face…

Wearable veg
Love mushrooms? Yeah, me too. How about scarves? Yep, scarves are awesome. Thankfully you can now celebrate your love of both with this pretty fab mushroom scarf. Nice one.

Hands-free shoes
You might remember last year I wrote about Nike’s Adapt trainers that lace-up via Bluetooth and your Google Assistant (very Back to the Future).

Well now they’ve made these rather futuristic shoes that replace the "antiquated" laced shoes. Simply step in and the shoe snugs-in around your feet. Ideal for those of us still living a life on the go.

Green Spaces of London
The first edition of this wonderful map has been put together to help you navigate your way around 380 parks and open spaces of London. 12 "green lines" guide you through the natural side of London by foot or by bike. It fits in your pocket, too.

And breathe...

You've got kale
Scientists have taught spinach to send emails alerting them to the presence of landmines in the ground. What? Yep, this is a real thing. Roots are naturally attuned to sense changes in nutrients and water levels and, by engineering molecules in spinach to send off a signal (via email) when certain levels are reached, scientists can use this to monitor pollution.

Nice work, science.

Pay with your face
We seem to be getting closer to actually being able to pay for stuff with our face. Apparently it's all the rage in China and is being rolled out in the USA, Denmark and Nigeria. A simple glance at a camera, your choice of hand signal to add a tip and you're on your way.

The future is here.

And finally, this month's edition of Monocle magazine focuses on how to make your life better. It has 50 ideas, stories, businesses and recommendations to help make this year one of your best yet.

“02. Make better connections” is my favourite…

Have some perspective
Have heart
Forgive and forget
Have some humility
Don't overshare (online)
Watch your tone
Be humane
Ask permission
Seek out both sides of an argument

Read more here.

Have a great week, take your time, smile, breathe and know that this too shall pass...

Big love,
Luke X


Thoughtful Thursday - February 11th


Thoughtful Thursday - February 4th