Mindful Monday - June 6th

Hello, good morning and welcome to the first MM of June! I hope this email finds you basking in the afterglow of a fun and festive weekend.

“Trust is the glue that holds everything together.”
Stephen R. Covey

Trust, in others and yourself, really is the glue that holds it all together. Like many important things, trust takes time to build yet can be broken and/or lost in an instant. Trust is worth nurturing, cultivating, building and is taken for granted at one’s peril.

Trust is such a broad idea (and ideal). Trust between people helps families, companies and communities thrive, it allows us to drive on roads without crashing (usually), and can help propel a society forward. But once trust is lost, it can be difficult to rebuild.

Who do you trust? Why? And just as importantly, who trusts you? Why is that?

Where in your life would you like to cultivate more trust and what might that look like?

Read or listen to what Stephen M.R. Covey thinks about trust here or read a wonderful book of fiction called Trust by Diaz Hernan.

Boot camp for the brain
Derren Brown is famous for bringing tricks of the mind to the mainstream. In this most excellent podcast series, he turns his attention to helping real people with real life daily mental issues. Have a listen here.

Sunlight for sleep
In this short video our favourite neuroscientist Andrew Huberman explains why we need sunlight early doors to help us get a great night’s sleep. A fab 10 min watch.

Dyson robots
Dyson is hard at work building a robotic household future. In this short clip we get a little sneak peek into what the future may hold… Click this.

Trucks and bees
Bees work hard. And it turns out they also travel great distances, but not always by air. This pretty amazing article shares the journey of bees being trucked around America to help pollinate the almond crops in California. Wow. Buzz.

Research for rare childhood cancer
This is a tough topic and even tougher for the families dealing with cancer in kids, especially the rare kinds. Traditionally companies direct most funding towards diseases that are likely to have a large market – sounds harsh but unfortunately it’s a business reality. Enter cc-TDI, a non-profit who helps direct funding to important research that may otherwise not happen at all. Interestingly the founder sites trust as a key ingredient to cc-TDI’s success.

On a similar note, Craig is taking part in a cycling effort to raise funds for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a devastating muscle-wasting disease diagnosed in childhood. You can support the cause here.

Have a great week and build a little more trust…

Big love,


Different types of ankle sprains and the best ways to recover


Mindful Monday - May 30th